Vic Black

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." – C.S. Lewis

Who is Vic Black?

victor_black headHi! My name is Victor Black. Thanks for visiting my personal site. I touch on a  wide variety of topics because I have a wide variety of interests. You will be able to find articlaes that discuss Christianity, Computers, family, Science, History, Politics, and running. I also maintain other sites dedicated to my business and all blogs that I write for the other sites will be mirrored on this site.

I was born in Decatur Georgia and raised in Chamblee, a suburb of Atlanta. Although my parents were Christians and lived a good life, Christ never seemed to get a foot in the door of my heart until I was 32 years old. At that time I decided that my daughters might benifit from making firends with church kids. I knew that if I wanted to find church kids, I must go to church. With that motivation alone, I walked into the local Baptist church in January of 1997. In August of ’97, I sat down with the pastor of the church and was introduced to Jesus Christ. There have been (still are) many ups and downs in this relationship with the man from Nazareth, but there is no doubt he changed my life.

Today, my daughters are  grown. Heather graduated from Mississippi State University last December.  Tiffani and Vanessa attend Mississippi State University.

193889_10150457626105099_534490098_17404485_6475508_oI own Reservoir Computer Support, a company that provides technology services for small businesses in the Jackson, MS area.

I have a degree from Mississippi College in Christian Studies with a minor in Spanish. I am  a certified teacher and have  taught Computer and Business classes at the Rankin County Alternative Education School.

In 2011, my wife and I joined Marathon Makeover. When I started, I couldn’t walk a mile without feeling like I was going to die. This picture was taken after we ran our first 5K (that’s 3.1 miles for the un-initiated). In October of that year, Kathleen completed a half-marathon (13.1 miles) and I completed a Marathon (26.2 miles).

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