Vic Black

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." – C.S. Lewis

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February 2025

Rankin Chamber Expo

Posted By on March 24, 2011

Today was the Rankin County Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. The first one I have not had a booth in since I started my business 8 years ago. I did stop by and spent two hours walking around talking to fellow business people, some I have known for years some I just met today. What caught me off guard was that several of my friends asked me about my Facebook post last night. IT was my first mention of Marathon Makeover to anyone outside my immediate family.

As I posted a few weeks ago, I had no intentions of advertising that I was doing Marathon makeover too early in the process. I know mark and Robin said we should tell everyone as a type of accountability, but I figured I would get the caring concerned looks and the inevitable, “Are you sure that’s safe?“ which can be translated as , “Friend, your too fat for that.” And I knew it would irritate me especially since I was not exactly feeling like a marathoner 10 weeks ago.

So, I intended on announcing it to all my friends the day before the 10K. However, Mark announced recently that he needed volunteers and I know a lot of folks who might be willing to do that. IO can’t effectively get word out without telling my interest in the race, so I entered this as my Facebook status last night,

I am five weeks away from running/walking my first 10K (It will be on my birthday). Been training for almost 10 weeks – lost 30 pounds in the process and feeling awesome!!! Thanks to Marathon Makeover and Runners Fuel!!!

I have never received so much feedback on a  Facebook post! I had 8 comments and 18 Likes. For me that good. (If you regularly get more than that, please don’t comment about it, for me this is pretty good)

Well I had at least 10 people at the Business Expo ask me about the race and ask me what Marathon makeover and Runners Fuel were. I had a great time explaining. I should be able to recruit a few volunteers out of that bunch. Night even recruit a few marathoners to sign up. I even got the impression that few folks were interested in the programs themselves.

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