Vic Black

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." – C.S. Lewis

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February 2025

To all you Reservoir Runners out there

Posted By on March 21, 2011

Tonight I did my first bit of interval running. And I do mean “BIT”, but hey, you gotta start somewhere – at last we did finally run. And a funny thing happened while we were running on the reservoir trail. We saw a hand drawn sign that said “Reservoir Runners” with a little facebook logo. I thought, hey I’m a runner (as of about 20 minutes ago) and I am at the reservoir, so Im gonna check it out. And I did. Reservoir Runners is a new facebook group started by a young man in the reservoir area as a way to connect with folks to run or walk with. The bigger our support group the better I think we will all do.  SO if you run or walk on the reservoir trail check out the group, “Reservoir Runners” on facebook

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